Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oppurtunity for a New Amendment

If I were to make a Constitutional amendment, I would make the prisoners and convicted felons do all the dirty, crappy, no fun jobs, for no pay. I mean, they ought to! They do crappy, horrible stuff and they should be punished instead of just locked up in a cage. And it should be much easier to get the death penalty. Hello... murderers murder people, rapists rape people, etc. Why should they be allowed to live, let alone be let back out into public, just so they can harm more people? I know that's pretty harsh, but hey, I'm not the one killing and pillaging and whatever. So, PUNISH the criminals, I say! Punish them good and harsh!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Do You Wish You Could Believe Again?

I wish I could believe that God cares about me. I used to think he did... but.. I don't really matter much anyway, so He's probably justified in not wasting His time. I used to believe everything was ok and that maybe my life wasn't totally pointless after all, but I've come to realize how little I mean to everything and everyone. Ignorance is bliss, right? I wish I could have that ignorance back. I wish I could believe again that someone as amazing as God could care about me.

Monday, December 5, 2011


People who are big on the outside and small on the inside are those who act big and bold, but are really quite timid. Personally, I don’t know anyone like this. I do know several people who are little on the outside and big on the inside however, these are just people you have to get to know, then they’ll come out of their shells and you can see their true personality. Physical appearance and personality do overlap some, you can see it in the way people dress and act in public, or in the way they carry themselves. I think that if your internal beauty and physical appearance were directly related, there would be a lot of ugly people in the world. Ugly, as in mean. And the nicer you were, or more positive attributes you had to your personality, the more beautiful you’d become.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spending and Saving: Our Generation

I am definitely a spender, and a major impulse buyer at that. In regards to this article, I agree with the fact that we, people in general, are very poor savers. I'm not quite sure about the shooting up to save cash (even if it's for medical reasons), because I think that if people don't save their money and end up in a bad spot, that's their own fault. Most people aren't completely stupid, and if they are coming to a bad financial position and they know it, they should have enough will power to save a couple bucks. My opinion of our generation is that as a whole, we are uneducated, irresponsible, and impulsive (which really makes things worse for those of us who go beyond these low, pathetic standards). I think people really do need to learn how to gain some responsibility and save money. How else are we supposed to improve our economy? I'm obviously not an expert on this, but I believe that the best thing to do is to save up, for a better, brighter future, and that (almost) any advances in the medical field to help the public in this area are for the better.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I belong to the tribe of awkward white girls. To the tribe of oboists and the (tiny but mighty) tribe of mellophone players. I belong to the tribe of internet addicts and that of the anti-socials. To the tribe of tea enthusiasts and to the tribe of the amazingly sexy Matthew Gray Gubler. I belong to the tribe of literature lovers and the fried calamari devourers and the tribe of the future crazy cat ladies. I belong to the tribe of rude, opinionated young women who prefer not to shave (waste of time, especially in the winter.). and i belong to the tribe of comfortable t-shirts and old shoes.

Friday, November 18, 2011

extroverts v. introverts

i think that neither extroverts nor introverts have it easier in life. everyone's experiences are different. If everyone was an extrovert, I think there would be much more competition, brutal honesty, and the need for adventure. If everyone was a introvert, things would be quieter... in a way (am lacking better words). Most folks would be a lot more chill. I think extroverts make better leaders, because they are more confident. I think writers are more introverted, because writing takes time, creativity, and lots and lots of thought. I can't really answer the questions about neighbors and teachers, because that is a very relative opinion. Different people have different traits that work for them. In my friends, I really don't care if they're introverted or extroverted, because I see myself as equally both and I really just want to be accepted and for my friends to actually like me and stand by my side. I think that introversion and extroversion do matter some, but you can probably get along in life without worrying about it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Law 10= You Have To Name It Before You Claim It.

The road I am on is unique to me. My path does have several obstacles, and those obstacles will change as I grow as a person. Other than that, my road is quite smooth. I've got a loving home, good friends, and solid ground beneath my feet. I, like many other people, am faced with choices, like the traveler in the Frost poem. The traveler is faced with two choices: the well-traveled, non-threatening path, or the path less traveled, an unknown journey. To be successful and live a full life, I would choose the way less traveled, and make new experiences for myself. The people traveling with me have roads that run alongside mine. Some of these roads diverge from my own and others stick close by, and these are the people I am close to, the ones I look to for support. At the end of my road, I want a family, a career, and a home that I can support. I can ensure my success by going my own way and not stopping and not risking my position. I can avoid my roadblocks by being self-confident and hard-working and push my depressed feelings and self-consciousness aside. I can make my future my own, and I can choose the road less traveled, not follow the pack and be my own individual person.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.  ~Paul Boese

Forgiveness is a thing that can lead to a better future. It's true, the past has no way of changing (unless you've gone back to the future), but forgiving those who have hurt you and attempting to mend your heart and your mind is the best thing to do. Forgiving people is the best direction to go, because you can try to forget what happened and move to bigger and definitely better things. Forgiveness will open doors to a new path, therefore leading to a new future, even if that future ends up involving the person/ people you forgave. Forgiveness is like laughter, it's a natural medicine that can make everything brighter, even if it's difficult to proceed at first.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thought of the Day

Life is the one thing we ultimately perceive, and we all perceive it differently. Perception makes our lives unique, and the way we perceive can make it either enjoyable, or not so. Life is a blank slate that you carve with your thoughts, experiences, memories, and the way you paint it all in your mind will make it different than anybody's.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thought for the Day

Taking action will get you places in life. Without action, you're going to end up as a lump who doesn't amount to anything in life. Action will be rewarded, because once you step up and take a chance, good things can happen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Noiseless, Patient Spider

I like this Walt Whitman poem because it talks about ones soul. To me, the poem talks about reaching out with your soul. The soul is compared to a spider, in the way that it makes a 'web' of musings and interest outside of itself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Walt Whitman Selection

Walt Whitman Questions Answered

1) Walt Whitman was a 19th century writer, essayist, journalist, and humanist.

2) His literature was poetry using free verse.
3) He was a Romanticist. He used imagery and personification in his works.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Sophomore Year

well.. my sophomore year has been ok... i have not learned that much yet because we have not really been taught anything new. friday night games are fun though, because im a band geek. it kind of sucks because there are so many people in this school that i cant stand.. but thats just me. so, basically its been tedious and boring with some good stuff and bad stuff thrown in there.