Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Law 10= You Have To Name It Before You Claim It.

The road I am on is unique to me. My path does have several obstacles, and those obstacles will change as I grow as a person. Other than that, my road is quite smooth. I've got a loving home, good friends, and solid ground beneath my feet. I, like many other people, am faced with choices, like the traveler in the Frost poem. The traveler is faced with two choices: the well-traveled, non-threatening path, or the path less traveled, an unknown journey. To be successful and live a full life, I would choose the way less traveled, and make new experiences for myself. The people traveling with me have roads that run alongside mine. Some of these roads diverge from my own and others stick close by, and these are the people I am close to, the ones I look to for support. At the end of my road, I want a family, a career, and a home that I can support. I can ensure my success by going my own way and not stopping and not risking my position. I can avoid my roadblocks by being self-confident and hard-working and push my depressed feelings and self-consciousness aside. I can make my future my own, and I can choose the road less traveled, not follow the pack and be my own individual person.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.  ~Paul Boese

Forgiveness is a thing that can lead to a better future. It's true, the past has no way of changing (unless you've gone back to the future), but forgiving those who have hurt you and attempting to mend your heart and your mind is the best thing to do. Forgiving people is the best direction to go, because you can try to forget what happened and move to bigger and definitely better things. Forgiveness will open doors to a new path, therefore leading to a new future, even if that future ends up involving the person/ people you forgave. Forgiveness is like laughter, it's a natural medicine that can make everything brighter, even if it's difficult to proceed at first.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thought of the Day

Life is the one thing we ultimately perceive, and we all perceive it differently. Perception makes our lives unique, and the way we perceive can make it either enjoyable, or not so. Life is a blank slate that you carve with your thoughts, experiences, memories, and the way you paint it all in your mind will make it different than anybody's.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thought for the Day

Taking action will get you places in life. Without action, you're going to end up as a lump who doesn't amount to anything in life. Action will be rewarded, because once you step up and take a chance, good things can happen.