Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oppurtunity for a New Amendment

If I were to make a Constitutional amendment, I would make the prisoners and convicted felons do all the dirty, crappy, no fun jobs, for no pay. I mean, they ought to! They do crappy, horrible stuff and they should be punished instead of just locked up in a cage. And it should be much easier to get the death penalty. Hello... murderers murder people, rapists rape people, etc. Why should they be allowed to live, let alone be let back out into public, just so they can harm more people? I know that's pretty harsh, but hey, I'm not the one killing and pillaging and whatever. So, PUNISH the criminals, I say! Punish them good and harsh!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Do You Wish You Could Believe Again?

I wish I could believe that God cares about me. I used to think he did... but.. I don't really matter much anyway, so He's probably justified in not wasting His time. I used to believe everything was ok and that maybe my life wasn't totally pointless after all, but I've come to realize how little I mean to everything and everyone. Ignorance is bliss, right? I wish I could have that ignorance back. I wish I could believe again that someone as amazing as God could care about me.

Monday, December 5, 2011


People who are big on the outside and small on the inside are those who act big and bold, but are really quite timid. Personally, I don’t know anyone like this. I do know several people who are little on the outside and big on the inside however, these are just people you have to get to know, then they’ll come out of their shells and you can see their true personality. Physical appearance and personality do overlap some, you can see it in the way people dress and act in public, or in the way they carry themselves. I think that if your internal beauty and physical appearance were directly related, there would be a lot of ugly people in the world. Ugly, as in mean. And the nicer you were, or more positive attributes you had to your personality, the more beautiful you’d become.