Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spending and Saving: Our Generation

I am definitely a spender, and a major impulse buyer at that. In regards to this article, I agree with the fact that we, people in general, are very poor savers. I'm not quite sure about the shooting up to save cash (even if it's for medical reasons), because I think that if people don't save their money and end up in a bad spot, that's their own fault. Most people aren't completely stupid, and if they are coming to a bad financial position and they know it, they should have enough will power to save a couple bucks. My opinion of our generation is that as a whole, we are uneducated, irresponsible, and impulsive (which really makes things worse for those of us who go beyond these low, pathetic standards). I think people really do need to learn how to gain some responsibility and save money. How else are we supposed to improve our economy? I'm obviously not an expert on this, but I believe that the best thing to do is to save up, for a better, brighter future, and that (almost) any advances in the medical field to help the public in this area are for the better.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I belong to the tribe of awkward white girls. To the tribe of oboists and the (tiny but mighty) tribe of mellophone players. I belong to the tribe of internet addicts and that of the anti-socials. To the tribe of tea enthusiasts and to the tribe of the amazingly sexy Matthew Gray Gubler. I belong to the tribe of literature lovers and the fried calamari devourers and the tribe of the future crazy cat ladies. I belong to the tribe of rude, opinionated young women who prefer not to shave (waste of time, especially in the winter.). and i belong to the tribe of comfortable t-shirts and old shoes.

Friday, November 18, 2011

extroverts v. introverts

i think that neither extroverts nor introverts have it easier in life. everyone's experiences are different. If everyone was an extrovert, I think there would be much more competition, brutal honesty, and the need for adventure. If everyone was a introvert, things would be quieter... in a way (am lacking better words). Most folks would be a lot more chill. I think extroverts make better leaders, because they are more confident. I think writers are more introverted, because writing takes time, creativity, and lots and lots of thought. I can't really answer the questions about neighbors and teachers, because that is a very relative opinion. Different people have different traits that work for them. In my friends, I really don't care if they're introverted or extroverted, because I see myself as equally both and I really just want to be accepted and for my friends to actually like me and stand by my side. I think that introversion and extroversion do matter some, but you can probably get along in life without worrying about it.