Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Noiseless, Patient Spider

I like this Walt Whitman poem because it talks about ones soul. To me, the poem talks about reaching out with your soul. The soul is compared to a spider, in the way that it makes a 'web' of musings and interest outside of itself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Walt Whitman Selection

Walt Whitman Questions Answered

1) Walt Whitman was a 19th century writer, essayist, journalist, and humanist.

2) His literature was poetry using free verse.
3) He was a Romanticist. He used imagery and personification in his works.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Sophomore Year

well.. my sophomore year has been ok... i have not learned that much yet because we have not really been taught anything new. friday night games are fun though, because im a band geek. it kind of sucks because there are so many people in this school that i cant stand.. but thats just me. so, basically its been tedious and boring with some good stuff and bad stuff thrown in there.